Then city planning architect Mikko Nurminen talked about urban space from his perspective and about a few cases, especially Jokikeskus and Veturitallit (and Karjaranta).
Afterwards we walked and went to see Jokikeskus and Veturitallit.
Below the few slides from Taina; and some references and links. Links also added to the link list on the right hand side.
Books about urban space and space in general:
Edward T. Hall: Proxemic Theory, 1966
Taina Rajanti: Kaupunki on ihmisen koti, 1999
Jane Jacobs: The Rise and Fall of Great American cities
Michel De Certeau: The Practices of Everyday Life
Claude Levi-Strauss: Tristes Tropiques
Michel Foucault: Space, knowledge and power. In The Foucault Reader (ed. P. Rabinow.) Penguin.
Doreen Massey: Place, Space and Gender/ Samanaikanen tila/ The Conceptualization of Space
Eyal Weizman: Hollow land
Introduction to Edward T. Hall
William H. Whyte: video from The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces
Familiar Stranger
Social Tapestries
Locative media and fieldwork: a collection of links to interesting projects
Anthony Vidler: Spatial Violence
Eyal Weizman: Walking Through Walls
Transit Labour (Article on Waste Economies by Maren Köhler and Bettina Vismann)
And the slides:

I'm also including a tale about occupying a street by a party in Kumpula, Helsinki, provided by Antti:
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